Spent a great weekend in Ann Arbor with my son, daughter-in-law, grandson and granddaughter. And in the process spent a lot of time around music, both in stores and at a performance. First the performance.

In the end, Pioneer placed third, and both soloists noted above won awards as outstanding performers on their respective instruments. First place went to the band from Byron Center for the third year running, and second to the band from Northview High School in Grand Rapids. The winning band then played an evening session as the opening band for the terrific Clayton Brothers.
Back in Ann Arbor it was time to explore the riches of not one, two, or three, but FOUR outstanding local record stores, each with a plethora of interesting CDs, and new and old vinyl/LPs to pore through. Too bad I didn't have the time to really dig in, but even short visits to each and short explorations resulted in some nice pick-ups. I have to say that the folks who run these shops, like all the others I have been visiting, are a dedicated bunch who clearly are in love with the music and love to talk about it, are very helpful, and really are part of a tight little music community with their custromers.
I found out that Ann Arbor may be rich today with four stores, but not more than 10 -15 years ago there were at least a dozen record stores in the city catering to all genres and customers. Gradually, LPs went away in favor of CDs, and the internet and streaming drained away customers. But collectvely, each store is seeing the resurgence of new vinyl once again, and coupled with used LPs are finding that part of the market growing, even as the CD market is shrinking due to downloads and the internet. The true customer for these stores are audiophiles, lovers of LPs and newly found listeners to vinyl, and collectors looking for out of print recordings to fill their collections. All the stores noted that the demographic is not what I expected, which would have been lots of college and high school students, but rather seems to be shifting to an older demographic of collectors who still remember LPs fondly, remember browsing their local stores for hours, and remember having sound booths to sample music in the best of the stores. A couple of the store owners noted that a large proportion of their customers are from out of town, coming to Ann Arbor as a place that has these four stores as well as antiquarian bookshops and even a mystery book store, rarities in this day and age with the internet and Barnes and Noble stores et al pushing out the independent sellers in most markets.

Sunday the stores opened at noon, and I had to leave town by 3:30, but I still squeezed in two more shops without totally ignoring my family, who somehow put up with me and my manic obsession. We had a nice breakfast at home and a good Mexican lunch, conveniently located right next to Encore Records, my third stop on this whirlwind tour. Encore is totally overwhelming, with mountains of discs and LPs (and 45s) in all genres, and is by far the largest store of the four. Encore has been around for years, beginning down the block as Liberty Records, and under new ownership in the past year. I cold have easily spent hours perusing the shelves and still have not seen half of what interests me -- jazz, folk, rock basically. The jazz collection is substantial and worth the time to really study to find those hard to get recordings you are missing from your collection, or the classics that everyone should have. CD or LP, this place is well stocked, and, as with all the stores, the owners -- Bill McClelland and Jim Dywer -- and staff are knowledgable and friendly, whether the talk is specific to an item or just a general conversation about music. They had a CD player and earphones set up to sample the music. I had under an hour to look around, but since my grandson had just played "Manteca" and "Jack the Bear" in Lansing, I picked him up a Dizzy and and Duke CD. For myself, I found a very rare recording by Mulgrew Miller and NHOP from 1999, called ""The Duets" and featuring the music of Duke Ellington, recorded by Bang and Olafsen evidently as a marketing tool. It seems to not be in the basic discographies and is known to jazz collectors as a very hard CD to find, so I consider myself very lucky. I also picked up Duke's "Anatomy of a Murder", "The Bud Shank Quintet Plays Arlen" on the obscure Jimco label, and Eri Yamamoto's "Cobalt Bles" to add to my collection of her music that I wrote about last week.

So there it is -- four great stores in two days. [And apologies for anything I got wrong in this writing] A true buying trip really needs two full days to browse them all, to talk to the people working the store and the customers, to really feel the camraderie that these stores have. They are truly golden places in this day of the internet, reminders of what music really is and how it should be heard -- as a communal activity with friends, not a solitary activity of bits and bytes and earphones.
All of the stores say they are solvent and will be around for a while. None are making big money, but that isn't the objective for the owners I talked to. Thanks to their dedication, sweat equity, and passion, we all are benefiting. To each, owning a record store isn’t a business — it is a place of communal activity that keeps art alive and well. Each store is a supporter as well of the local music scene, a place to trade information, share new finds and new music, and to bond over shared memories of days gone by.
All of the stores say they are solvent and will be around for a while. None are making big money, but that isn't the objective for the owners I talked to. Thanks to their dedication, sweat equity, and passion, we all are benefiting. To each, owning a record store isn’t a business — it is a place of communal activity that keeps art alive and well. Each store is a supporter as well of the local music scene, a place to trade information, share new finds and new music, and to bond over shared memories of days gone by.
I remember where I was when I first heard Crosby Stills and Nash, and rushing to Cutler's Record Shop in New Haven CT to get it. Same for Surrealistic Pillow, Revolver, and the first Led Zeppelin. Later it was McCoy Tyner's "Passion Dance." I hope as readers you have the same type of fond memories and are keeping them alive at your local record stores. Don't let the stores die. Each time one disappears, we lose a little more of that camraderie, that sense of community that music brings us, and we are all a little diminished.
And to all the kids at MSU this weekend from all the schools, thanks for keeping the music playing and the tradition alive.
And to all the kids at MSU this weekend from all the schools, thanks for keeping the music playing and the tradition alive.
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